The internet has made it possible for anyone to publish information or opinions of any kind. There are a lot of useful information on the Internet. But are all this information reliable? “Websites Evaluation” is one of the topics the DESK course deals with.
The DESK project’s focus is on enabling learners to develop basic digital skills and attitudes that are needed in the modern workplaces and also shape modern digital culture and e-citizenship. The DESK course is structured in seven different and independent modules.
DESK project was promoted among Teachers/ Adult trainers through a WEBEX meeting on the 3rd of June 2020. The meeting was organized by Mr. Ilias Loukas, Director of the Esperino Gymnasium – L.T. Karditsas in the framework of the dissemination activities of the KA229 Erasmus+ project titled “Innovation and Mobile Learning”.
Dissemination of the DESK project
In the framework of the implementation of the Erasmus+ Project entitled «AN ADULT DIGITAL EDUCATION SKILLS KIT TO FOSTER EMPLOYABILITY (DESK)» with code «2018-1-EL01-KA204-047819», staff of the E-SCHOOL Educational Group visited the 1st High School of Karditsa on Friday, November 22, 2019. Teachers/Trainers from three European countries participating in a LTTA were informed about the […]